Jo Havemann

CEO, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Researcher, Trainer

Open Science, Research Management, Reading-Writing-Publishing, Career Development, Research Equity

Researchers, editors, and librarians who work with us seek clarity and guidance on skills and tools that are relevant in research project planning and management so that they can transfer their acquired knowledge to societal stakeholders.” – Find out how we work


Dr Johanna Havemann specializes as a trainer and consultant in Open Science Communication and digital Science Project Management. Her professional journey encompasses experience with NGOs, a science startup, and international institutions, including the UN Environment Programme.

As the founder and CEO of Access 2 Perspectives since 2012, Jo Havemann is dedicated to enhancing science communication and management. She aims to equip researchers with the necessary skills and enthusiasm for a successful and fulfilling career. In 2018, she co-founded AfricArXiv, the community-led digital archive and African-owned open scholarly repository, facilitating knowledge sharing among African scientists.

Her earlier roles include researching Indigenous Peoples’ livelihoods and climate change adaptation with UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya, and working with the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany, where she focused on cell and molecular biology, particularly on the evolutionary and developmental aspects of the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis.

Overall, Jo’s work aims to strengthen global science communication, with a regional focus on Europe and Africa, by advocating for Open Science practices and workflows.





My work is tied to values such as transparency, accountability, cooperation /co-creation, and diversity. I have a research background in Molecular Biology, a trainer certificate, and more than 10 years of practice in the field of science communication. As co-creatives at Access 2 Perspectives, we are institution-independent consultants creating products for you to the best of our knowledge where we compare services by commercial and non-commercial providers for researchers across all disciplines and can therefore present and explain how they differ, complement each other, the pros and cons of each and in combination to make your research workflow digitally seamless and efficient.  


My Journey with Open Science

My initial inspiration for the message I share and the transformation I wish to provide through Access 2 Perspectives is to help researchers to be able to fully enjoy doing research, ease the publication pressure, and resolve the emerging myths, fears, and miscomprehensions about Open Science and Open Access. My journey with Open Science has been challenging, painful, and also victorious for me personally in many different ways. As a PhD student I was confused and stressed fro the work pressure and competitiveness, aka a toxic work environment. All of that caused distress and fear that made me struggle during the Ph.D. But at times, I also experienced research practices, open discussions with colleagues, and alternative routes to scholarly publishing that is more purpose-oriented instead of bothering with which journal to publish in for the sole reason of prestige. Rather, I wanted to share my results in a way that makes them reusable and allows for collaboration with colleagues from all around the world – which is what I know am happy to facilitate with my colleagues and our courses, programs, and projects at Access 2 Perspectives. A defining moment in my life was when I met and started to work with Jon Tennant. He inspired me to speak up about all that I felt was wrong with research practices and create a career to sustain my livelihood out of what I otherwise would have done voluntarily. I have since committed to dedicating the rest of my professional life to helping researchers and other scholarly stakeholders create an IMPACT with their work by sharing and managing research outcomes (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). As a researcher and outside academia I noticed that I am more of a generalist than a specialist and easily get enthusiastic about new ideas, projects, and viewpoints. I figured that I want to pass on the tools and workflows I have developed and discovered for myself to other researchers and encourage and enable them to truly work interdisciplinarity and with a global scope in their research approach; Hence I chose Access 2 Perspectives as the name for my business. I do enjoy very much the freedom and opportunity to create and design my own career, combining all my most important interests and being able to pass these along to an increasingly global research community fostering global research equity. What I am most proud of so far is our work with AfricArXiv – toward better discoverability of African research.

You can read more about our work, our network of co-creatives and trainers, and our values at


Selected Publications

Corneille, Olivier, Carroll, Harriet, Havemann, Jo, Henderson, Emma L., Holmes, Nicholas P., Lotter, Leon D., Lush, Peter, & Outa, Nicholas. (2022). Reflecting on the use of persuasive communication devices in academic writing. Zenodo.

Rittman, M., Marchant, E., Havemann, J., Rieger, O. Y., Wrigley, A., Pepe, A., … Patterson, W. (2022, November 28). Crossref metadata for preprints: Discussions and recommendations.

Pourret, O., Baždarić, K., Besançon, L., Gonzalez-Marquez, M., Havemann, J., Hedding, D. W., … Wien, C. (2021, November 11). Open Access Beyond Article Processing Charges.

Bezuidenhout L and Havemann J. The varying openness of digital open science tools. F1000Research 2021, 9:1292 (

Tennant, J., Agarwal, R., Baždarić, K., Brassard, D., Crick, T., Dunleavy, D. J., … Yarkoni, T. (2020, March 6). A tale of two ‘opens’: intersections between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship.

Tennant, Jonathan P.; Becker, Bruce; de Bie, Tanja; Colomb, Julien; Goglio, Valentina; Grigorov, Ivo; Hartgerink, Chris; Hartley, Ricardo; Havemann, Johanna; Kramer, Bianca; Madan, Christopher R.; Masuzzo, Paola; Matthias, Lisa; Schlatter, Monika; Steiner, Tobias; and Vos, Rutger (2019) “What Collaboration Means to Us: We are more powerful when we work together as a community to solve problems,” Collaborative Librarianship: Vol. 11 : Iss. 2 , Article 2.

Tennant, J.P.; Crane, H.; Crick, T.; Davila, J.; Enkhbayar, A.; Havemann, J.; Kramer, B.; Martin, R.; Masuzzo, P.; Nobes, A.; Rice, C.; Rivera-López, B.; Ross-Hellauer, T.; Sattler, S.; Thacker, P.D.; Vanholsbeeck, M. Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing. Publications 2019, 7, 34.

Tennant, J., Beamer, J. E., Bosman, J., … Havemann, J., … (2019, January 30). Foundations for Open Scholarship Strategy Development.

UN Indigenous Youth Caucus Report (2011): Situation Analysis on Indigenous Youth Participation – submitted at EMRIP 2011 UNEP (2010) – UNFCCC Review: Examples of Adaptation Strategies across Africa   

Özhan-Kizil G, Havemann J, Gerberding M (2009). Germ cells in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis depend on Vasa protein for their maintenance but not for their formation. Dev Biol. 327(1):230-9.

Havemann J, Müller U, Berger J, Schwarz H, Gerberding M, Moussian B (2008). Cuticle differentiation in the embryo of the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. Cell Tissue Res. 332(2):359-70.

Scherfer C, Karlsson C, Loseva O, Bidla G, Goto A, Havemann J, Dushay MS, Theopold U (2004). Isolation and Characterization of Hemolymph Clotting Factors in Drosophila melanogaster by a Pullout Method. Curr Biol. 14(7):625-9.  



  • Berlin, Germany
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