Support for Ukrainian researchers

The website #ScienceForUkraine serves as a platform to support Ukrainian researchers with accommodation, research hosting, and funding.

How you can help

  • If you hear about dedicated positions with short-term availability dedicated to Ukrainian researchers on Twitter, please retweet using the hashtag #ScienceForUkraine
  • If you are the coordinator of a national/disciplin-specific agency or organization, please get in touch so that we can list you
  • Raise awareness in your local institutions

Remember: Displaced Ukrainian researchers need help immediately and not an open funding call in six months. Accommodation, office/lab space, research visits are a priority.


This page is coordinated by Sanita Reinsone and her team at Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia (ILFA). Uldis Kirsis maintains the website, which is publicly hosted at GitHub Anna Klos from Polish Military University of Technology and Michael Rose from the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition support them.

1 thought on “Support for Ukrainian researchers”

  1. Pingback: Tatyana Deryugina on the war in Ukraine and Russian perspectives

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