Gareth Dyke
Scholarly Publishing
Extensive experience at the interface between publishing and academia, building connections between researchers and publishing solutions. Researcher for 25 years: In publishing I’ve worked with Charlesworth, TopEdit, Edanz, and Springer Nature (Research Square Content Director). Now: Helping to make peer review more equitable w/ ReviewerCredits and working as a consultant with Mavericks and Bentham Science Publishers.
Researcher education and marketing consult roles (Mars Global, Science Diffusion, Ellucido, Sci-Train). Completed 000s of webinars, online trainings: Connections across global research, academic publishing, and higher education & training.
I’ve authored ca. 370 articles in peer-reviewed journals (including in Nature and Science). My author educational content emphasizes young researcher outreach; I help ESL authors write, communicate, and publish research effectively in English and have well-developed networks most notably in China and Central Asia (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan).
I’ve extensive experience creating, growing, and managing academic journals working with Taylor & Francis and Eurasia Academic Publishing.
I’m a Freelancer providing: Online training & Consultancy: Achieve your potential: Learn from experience. Get the best out of your research, write great papers in English, and get them published in amazing journals to advance your career!
Хотя очень важно выбрать научный журнал, в котором, в конце концов, появится ваша научная статья, общее влияние вашей работы может быть столь же критичным. Ваши партнеры по идее, как можно расширить границы влияния!
- Budapest, Hungary