Refer to the Wikipedia article 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic or the World Health Organization’s situation reports for most recent reported case information.

Protect yourself and others from infection by following these suggestions:
- Handwashing
- Respiratory hygiene
- Self-isolation and self-quarantine
- Social distancing
- Contribute to vaccine research (see below)
Stay calm and wash your hands.
In between, check these projects and get involved:
A Wiki Project to collect Wikidata resources related to COVID-19 (Q84263196) and SARS-CoV-2 (Q82069695). Resources may also relate to relevant pandemics like 2019–20 COVID-19 pandemic (Q81068910).
ScienceOpen Collection: Novel Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
This is a collection of research on the coronavirus disease COVID-2019. It is updated automatically for the terms COVID-2019, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV. Caution: articles flagged as “preprint” have not yet undergone peer review.
Aweb application for open, rapid reviews of outbreak-related preprints. |
- Find rapid reviews of existing preprints;
- Request reviews of preprints (your own, or preprints you are interested in);
- Review preprints.
A crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak |
Tools for Scientists:

A Free, Open Resource for the Global Research Community
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Allen Institute for AI has partnered with leading research groups to prepare and distribute the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), a free resource of over 29,000 scholarly articles, including over 13,000 with full text, about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses for use by the global research community.

Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts | |
A collection of Open Source projects during COVID-19 |
2019 Wuhan Coronavirus data (COVID-19 / 2019-nCoV) |
COVID-19 Italia – Monitoraggio situazione |
Harris D. (Feb 17, 2020). Could a battle between internet pirates and publishers benefit the fight against COVID-19?
Kazeem Y. (March 2020). A Senegalese innovation lab is helping the UK develop a 10-minute coronavirus test kit. QUARTZ Africa
Springer/Nature Campaign:
Wiley Online Library: