Day 1: Open Science
We are inviting you for a virtual collaborative writing sprint around Scholarly Communication and soft skills development for researchers.
Facilitated by Access 2 Perspectives team members
Contact: (Jo Havemann)
Licensing: CC-BY 4.0 Access 2 Perspectives // see
- Under each topic of the day (e.g. day 1: Open Science) add subtopics, urls to resources, comments and aspects you would like to see covered in the sprint, this can include your own or other third party resources you deem relevant.
- The plan is to decentrally and openly work on one topic per day starting [today] on March 17, 2020., but you can also start working on other topics of your personal preferance.
- At the end of each day (around 6pm CET) content will be collected and shared on the A2P blog under CC-BY license and with due reference to contributors. Please indicate your name/ORCID/Twitterhandle if you would like to be acknowledged. Each blog post will have a disclaimer that content was created on an etherpad (with a link to each) and triggered with CC-BY-licensed content als already available on the A2P website and A2P GitHub account.
- Each day’s topic will stay open for continued content collection and the corresponding blog post will be updated occasionally.
- Feel free to suggest more relevant topics by adding them to the agenda
- Some topics and the collaborative effort might turn into the drafting of scholarly manuscripts, let’s discuss this further and see if we can run the process along MOOP guidelines (>> ) when it occurs.
- Stay healthy and wash your hands – take breaks and enjoy the process 🙂
The twitter announcement earlier today:
Day 1: Open Science
The kickoff for the quarantine Open Science sprint was marked around the topic of Open Science, which in itself is very general and difficult to define.
A2P Open Science course and collected resources: …/services/open-science/