An open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine

Originally published on February 24, 2022, at

UPDATE March 17, 2022: The original Russian website is not online anymore.

We, Russian scientists and scientific journalists, declare a strong protest against the hostilities launched by the armed forces of our country on the territory of Ukraine. This fatal step leads to huge human losses and undermines the foundations of the established system of international security. The responsibility for unleashing a new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia.

There is no rational justification for this war. Attempts to use the situation in Donbass as a pretext for launching a military operation do not inspire any confidence. It is clear that Ukraine does not pose a threat to the security of our country. The war against her is unfair and frankly senseless.

Ukraine has been and remains a country close to us. Many of us have relatives, friends, and scientific colleagues living in Ukraine. Our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers fought together against Nazism. Unleashing a war for the sake of the geopolitical ambitions of the leadership of the Russian Federation, driven by dubious historiosophical fantasies, is a cynical betrayal of their memory.

We respect Ukrainian statehood, which rests on functional democratic institutions. We treat the European choice of our neighbors with understanding. We are convinced that all problems in relations between our countries can be resolved peacefully.

Having unleashed the war, Russia doomed itself to international isolation, to the position of a pariah country. This means that we, scientists, will no longer be able to do our job normally: after all, conducting scientific research is unthinkable without full cooperation with colleagues from other countries. The isolation of Russia from the world means further cultural and technological degradation of our country in the complete absence of positive prospects. War with Ukraine is a step to nowhere.

It is bitter for us to realize that our country, together with other republics of the former USSR, which made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazism, has now become the instigator of a new war on the European continent. We demand an immediate halt to all military operations directed against Ukraine. We demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state. We demand peace for our countries.

More than 380 scientists signed this open letter within 24 hours, including 65 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1724 by Peter the Great and based in Moscow, the National Academy is the highest-ranking research institution in the Russian Federation.

Signatures continue to come in, currently totaling more than 3000.

НЕТ войне с Украиной!
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22 thoughts on “An open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine”

  1. Vuilleumier Stéphane

    I am so admirative of the courage of our Russian colleagues – full solidarity with scientists for peace and democracy in Russia, Ukraine and worldwide

  2. Dear friends from Russia,
    Each of you can take a small step in preventing the great evil, the war in Ukraine. Our fellow scientists in Ukraine, as well as the entire people of Ukraine, are exposed to the suffering caused by the bestial destruction of Ukrainian human and material values. Speak before it is too late, in the interest of human civilization.
    Professor Emeritus Nedjeljko Perić

  3. War is never a solution for political conflict. Please stop war and start communication. In this day and age, we ought to do better with conflict management. War is just a fancy word for mass murder.

  4. Please sit and talk. This is not about Russia and Ukraine, or goodies and baddies, but about big powers and empires seeking control and involved in the development of nuclear weapons, which has not ceased despite signed international treaties since early 1990s. The Kremlin is responsible and attacking a country is unjustifiable, but The EU, Washington and NATO have their share of responsibility for this by disregarding the Kremlin’s red line security demands. Please do not sell us this democracy versus totalitarianism; peace versus war dichotomy. Has everyone respected the INF Treaty on Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles? How contradictory is it that the Nuclear Weapons prohibition treaty expresses commitment to a world without weapons but then states that “as long as there are nuclear weapons in the world, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance”? War is a big business. The victims, as in all of them, the civil population.

  5. Crescencio Garcia-Segundo

    This is a violation of international law, inflicting pain and dead on innocents whose only dream is to be free and be and independent country. Russian academy please help your Ucranian colleagues. Make science, instead of war.

  6. la guerra è obsoleta oltre ad essere una follia collettiva, we should stop all wars
    Always peace, too many problems with climate changes, other COVID & pandemics in next futureif don’t change our mind and toughts

  7. Very admirative of the courage of our Russian colleagues. Stop this meaningless war !

  8. Elisa Berdalet

    People die in wars invented by economic interests of a few oligarchs. No more wars. Peace for the whole world.

  9. Peter Mojzeš

    Dear Russian colleagues, dear friends, raise your heads, straighten your backs and help stop these bloody slaughtering. Do not stay passively controlled by a lunatic Putin. Recall the words of your great poet Lermontov. Do not hide behind the wall of silence! There is nowhere to run away from responsibility. This is also your affair.

    Прощай, немытая Россия…

    Прощай, немытая Россия,
    Страна рабов, страна господ,
    И вы, мундиры голубые,
    И ты, им преданный народ.

    Быть может, за стеной Кавказа
    Сокроюсь от твоих пашей,
    От их всевидящего глаза,
    От их всеслышащих ушей.

    1841 г.

  10. Pingback: Statement of the ReMO COST Action on solidarity with Ukraine

  11. Pingback: Tatyana Deryugina on the war in Ukraine and Russian perspectives

  12. We are one community and we shall consider that no human being is excluded by this worldwide community. Every victim is a part of us dying, every evil made against someone is made against ourselves and against all of us. I am a human and then a scientist, we try to disclose the secrets of the universe and to discover new solutions against medical issues, there is no logical reason to justify a war

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