Global Research Equity

AfricArXiv, Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Knowledge Transfer, Multilingualism, Open Science, Research Integrity, Science Communication

Deafness and Academia – A conversation with Wangari Joyce Ngugi

Following up on our previous episode with Joyce Wangari Nugi, in which we talked about Holistic wellness and mental health in research careers, this episode is about Wangari’s work for the deaf community and deafness in academia.
We are joined by N’kadziri Aminah Idd, who facilitates sign language interpretation throughout our conversation (see the video below).

Sridhar Gutam podcast cover image
Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Open Access, Open Science, Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

IndiaRxiv, the preprint repository for Indian Research – A conversation with Sridhar Gutam

Sridhar Gutam is a Senior Plant Physiologist at ICAR, the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, and also the Convenor at Open Access India. His main area of interests are Plant Physiology, Plant Phenology and Plant Phenotyping as well as Open Access, Open Data, Free and Open Source Software.

Global Research Equity, Open Science, Open Source Hardware

Let’s create a globally inclusive dialogue on Open Science Hardware (OSH) standards

“Hardware is a vital part of experiments process and advances in instrumentation have been central to scientific revolutions by expanding observations beyond standard human senses.” But making hardware and especially sharing hardware is neither an easy nor a recognized task in academia. In order to tackle this issue, some of us started a Research Data Alliance (RDA) interest group.

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