
Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Presentation Techniques, Science Communication

Knowing your audience and making an impact – A conversation with Natira McDermott

Natira McDermott is a public speaking coach who helps her clients create successful businesses by dropping perfectionism and embracing their own compelling visibility. Despite winning her first high school debate, Natira spent most of her life avoiding an audience. (The irony of her being a public speaking coach is not lost on her.)

Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Knowledge Transfer, Multilingualism, Reading Writing Publishing, Research Integrity, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Open Access, Translations and Publishing – A conversation with Zoë Mullan

Zoë Mullan is Editor-in-Chief of the open access journal, The Lancet Global Health. She is an Ex-Officio Board Member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health; an International Advisory Board member of Sun-Yat Sen Global Health Institute, Guangzhou, China; and a Scientific Advisory Board member of the Centre for International Health Protection at the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany.

Conversations (podcast), Open Access, Open Science, Science Communication

Turning Science into Social Outcomes – A conversation with Richard Jefferson

Richard Jefferson is a molecular biologist, social entrepreneur, inventor, open information systems proponent and innovation system strategist. He founded Cambia almost 30 years ago, as a means to democratize science-enabled innovation. He works on “Solving the Problem of Problem Solving”
He discusses his journey into molecular biology, social entrepreneurship and invention with Jo in this podcast.

Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Multilingualism, Open Access, Open Science, Project Management, Reading Writing Publishing, Science Communication

Translating the generic principles of Open Science to Arts and Humanities research – A conversation with Erzsebet Toth-Czifra

Erzsebet Toth-Czifra is an open science officer at DARIAH-EU in Berlin, Germany. She has also worked as a content integration manager, external lecturer, and language teacher in Budapest, Hungary. She shares with Jo what Open Science means to her personally and professionally in this podcast.

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