Open Science

Knowledge Transfer, Open Science, Perspectives (blog), Reading Writing Publishing, Research Data Management, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Should NPOs and NGOs publish their reports in scholarly repositories?

So, Louise Bezuidenhout (t: @LouBezuidenhout) and I were wondering if it would be feasible to encourage NPOs and NGOs to submit their datasets and reports to scholarly repositories for the purpose of data sharing in line with the #FAIRprinciples.

Nici Pfeiffer, podcast image
Conversations (podcast), Digital Tools, Open Science, Reading Writing Publishing, Research Integrity, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

How digital scholarly service platforms facilitate research rigor and transparency – A conversation with Nici Pfeiffer

Nici Pfieffer is Chief Product Officer at the Center for Open Science and in that position works towards enabling researchers to share their work to advance the transparency and reproducibility of science. With Jo, she talks about the importance of open digital infrastructure and how she contributes to research rigor and the achievements made through her work.

AfricArXiv, Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Knowledge Transfer, Multilingualism, Open Science, Research Integrity, Science Communication

Deafness and Academia – A conversation with Wangari Joyce Ngugi

Following up on our previous episode with Joyce Wangari Nugi, in which we talked about Holistic wellness and mental health in research careers, this episode is about Wangari’s work for the deaf community and deafness in academia.
We are joined by N’kadziri Aminah Idd, who facilitates sign language interpretation throughout our conversation (see the video below).

Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Open Science, Science Communication

Biotech Without Borders and community biology in NYC – A conversation with Danny Chan 

Danny Chan is the President of Biotech Without Borders, a non-profit community biology lab in New York City. Besides trying to defend his time to pursue independent research centered around protocol development for the DIY science community, he enjoys video games, eating new food around the city, watching movies with his partner, and playing table-top RPGs.

Sridhar Gutam podcast cover image
Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Open Access, Open Science, Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

IndiaRxiv, the preprint repository for Indian Research – A conversation with Sridhar Gutam

Sridhar Gutam is a Senior Plant Physiologist at ICAR, the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, and also the Convenor at Open Access India. His main area of interests are Plant Physiology, Plant Phenology and Plant Phenotyping as well as Open Access, Open Data, Free and Open Source Software.

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