Author name: Access 2 Perspectives

Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Presentation Techniques, Science Communication

Knowing your audience and making an impact – A conversation with Natira McDermott

Natira McDermott is a public speaking coach who helps her clients create successful businesses by dropping perfectionism and embracing their own compelling visibility. Despite winning her first high school debate, Natira spent most of her life avoiding an audience. (The irony of her being a public speaking coach is not lost on her.)

AfricArXiv, Conversations (podcast), Open Data, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

The Data Quality Imperative – A conversation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022

From manuscript preparation to business-related best practices, scholarly publishers increasingly integrate data capture and analysis into their systems. These efforts are considered essential to enable interoperability, ensure transparency, and build trust with authors, funders, and institutions.

Conversations (podcast), Open Science, Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Publication Strategies and Open Science – A conversation with Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman

Bianca and Jeroen talk with Jo about one of their most recent interactive projects, the Publication Strategy Tool, a tool that helps researchers reconsider their publication strategies by thinking about publishing goals to inform new choices in what, when, how, and where to publish

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