Scholarly Publishing

Multilingualism, Perspectives (blog), Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Translated articles are research output

Translating scholarly works can contribute enormously to a scientific community. Famously, Albert Einstein translated articles into English so that Anglo-Americans could contribute to state-of-the-art science. The modern tendency to ignore scholarship that is not in English leads to lower quality studies and double work. Translation can help overcome linguistic barriers, and is thus an important means to increase accessibility and participation as well as to counteract fragmentation of the literature into linguistic islands.

Sridhar Gutam podcast cover image
Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Open Access, Open Science, Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

IndiaRxiv, the preprint repository for Indian Research – A conversation with Sridhar Gutam

Sridhar Gutam is a Senior Plant Physiologist at ICAR, the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, and also the Convenor at Open Access India. His main area of interests are Plant Physiology, Plant Phenology and Plant Phenotyping as well as Open Access, Open Data, Free and Open Source Software.

AfricArXiv, Perspectives (blog), Research Articles, Scholarly Publishing

African Digital Research Repositories: Mapping the Landscape

The International African Institute (IAI, in collaboration with AfricarXiv ( present an interactive map of African digital research literature repositories. This drew from IAI’s earlier work from 2016 onwards to identify and list Africa-based institutional repositories that focused  on identifying repositories based in African university libraries. Our earlier resources are available at

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