Perspectives (blog)

Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Leadership, Perspectives (blog), Project Management, Science Communication, Team Management

Leadership re-defined from a human-centered perspective – A conversation with Farah Hussain

Farah Hussain is the Managing Director at Farah Hussain Coaching and Training in London, England.
With over 30 years of experience as a coach and trainer, Farah and her organization offer services such as executive coaching, leadership development, diversity & inclusion, corporate training, management consulting, career development coaching and team building.
These services are targeted at individuals and businesses that are seeking to refine their leadership skills.
In this podcast, she shares her experiences as a leadership coach and trainer with Jo.

AfricArXiv, Conversations (podcast), Open Data, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

The Data Quality Imperative – A conversation at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022

From manuscript preparation to business-related best practices, scholarly publishers increasingly integrate data capture and analysis into their systems. These efforts are considered essential to enable interoperability, ensure transparency, and build trust with authors, funders, and institutions.

Knowledge Transfer, Open Science, Perspectives (blog), Reading Writing Publishing, Research Data Management, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Should NPOs and NGOs publish their reports in scholarly repositories?

So, Louise Bezuidenhout (t: @LouBezuidenhout) and I were wondering if it would be feasible to encourage NPOs and NGOs to submit their datasets and reports to scholarly repositories for the purpose of data sharing in line with the #FAIRprinciples.

Multilingualism, Perspectives (blog), Reading Writing Publishing, Scholarly Publishing, Science Communication

Translated articles are research output

Translating scholarly works can contribute enormously to a scientific community. Famously, Albert Einstein translated articles into English so that Anglo-Americans could contribute to state-of-the-art science. The modern tendency to ignore scholarship that is not in English leads to lower quality studies and double work. Translation can help overcome linguistic barriers, and is thus an important means to increase accessibility and participation as well as to counteract fragmentation of the literature into linguistic islands.

AfricArXiv, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

VAD Conference 2022: AfricArXiv Providing Reciprocal Discoverability of African Research Content

AfricArXiv was represented at the VAD conference 2022 in Freiburg, Germany, organized by the Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) conference focused on the theme of African Europe, reciprocal perspectives and it addressed processes of co-production of knowledge as well as the mutual questioning of different ways. of thinking.

Mental Health, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

Statement of the ReMO COST Action on solidarity with Ukraine

The ReMO COST Action stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We add our voices to the joint declaration of Eurodoc and the Marie Curie Alumni Association and strongly condemn the Russian Federation’s acts of violence and aggression against the people of Ukraine. We also concur with the COST Association’s call for international efforts to help ensure the safety of Ukrainian researchers and innovators.

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