Conversations (podcast), Global Research Equity, Keynotes and panel contributions (JH), Open Science, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

Neuroscience for all: building global research capacity

As part of the IBRO World Congress 2023 (9-13 September – Granada, Spain), the ALBA Network and the IBRO Early Career Committee partnered to facilitate a wide-ranging discussion of what neuroscientists can do as a community to build research capacity in the Global South, and how this increase in local capacities for research and innovation can, in the broader picture, bring benefits to us all.

Mapping OS Resources, Perspectives (blog), Science Communication

Mapping Open Science Resources from Around the World by Discipline

With Open Science being pretty much a mainstream term nowadays and with an ever-increasing number of digital tools, national policies, research community standards, and funder requirements available, many researchers seem to still be stuck in the publish and/or perish paradigm due to (too) slowly changing institutional policies and individual habits. 

Career Development, Conversations (podcast), Presentation Techniques, Science Communication

Knowing your audience and making an impact – A conversation with Natira McDermott

Natira McDermott is a public speaking coach who helps her clients create successful businesses by dropping perfectionism and embracing their own compelling visibility. Despite winning her first high school debate, Natira spent most of her life avoiding an audience. (The irony of her being a public speaking coach is not lost on her.)

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